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  • Pirate Praveen: Helped in outreach and supervising the project and guided Ravi for deploying Quicksy server.

  • Chagai for building the APK.

  • Ravi Dwivedi helped in maintaining Prav website, social handle, setting up prav server and project outreach activities.

  • Akshay S Dinesh created CSV verification provider and helped by troubleshooting from time to time and adapting quicksy server.

  • Badri and Suman did the initial ejabberd setup.

  • Sajith and Badri helped in domain and hosting.

  • Raghukamath designed the logo.

  • Mani built the beta release APK.

  • VGLUG hosted Prav beta release party and translated the poster in Tamil.

  • Badri created the beta release party poster and the countdown for beta release on the website.

  • Jishnu, Siddharth, Arya, Kiran and Akshay worked on OTP integration.

  • Arya updated the andoid apk build with retraction feature and published on F-Droid.


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Software we forked

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